Thursday 14 October 2021

Strange Behaviour

Blogger has been behaving strangely recently. On the one hand, I'm being told that comments are failing to make it through the system. On the other, it seems that at least one person who had signed up for the allegedly defunct Feedburner service (the one that used to send email notifications of new posts) is once again getting them. Is anyone else?

There have been various other little glitches that only a blog owner would notice. It's rather like the flicker of a lightbulb that is about to give out. Hopefully, it's just some fool at Blogger wiggling a wire or leaning on a button, and not the death throes of the service. I'd be curious to know whether anyone else who runs a Blogger blog is experiencing this.


Kelvin said...

Feedburner continues to deliver...the 'backup' RSS notification latest message was for

Go figure!


Mike C. said...


Thanks! Obviously, there's nothing I can do about this other than watch in bemusement...

What is the 'backup' RSS notification you refer to, though? It means nothing to me. Do you get more than one notification from Feedburner?


Kelvin said...

I had my Thunderbird reader subscribed to the Atom feed

However, by deleting that feed and resubscribing with, i.e. without the "?alt=rss" it shows the latest entries.

I only get single notifications from Feedburner.


Mike C. said...

Thanks, Kelvin, now I understand.
