Saturday 4 November 2023

Dot Mask Replica

Playing around on Photoshop Elements the other night I stumbled into a new layering and masking technique; new to me, anyway. Someone once described a net as a lot of holes tied together with string (Who? Nobody knows!), and this dotty approach is not dissimilar. The end result was a dozen variations on the same pattern, of which these two seemed the most harmonious. There's nothing much to say about them, other than that I enjoyed making them, like the results, and will certainly be exploring further this new way of creating an eye-pleasing complexity out of simplicity.

If I pull the plug and let the colour drain out I get this, which has its own subtle charm:

And talking of subtle, I also made this one, which is not quite what it might seem to be at first glance, using some more conventional bits of layered imaging, but which also involves dots:

It has a certain "Dutch still life" vibe, I think. Except in this case it seems the subject matter has already developed "craquelure". Perhaps I should call it "Pre-Distressed Butternut Squash"? I like this approach, too, and it's useful to have an indoor genre to start working with, now that the wintry weather has started to arrive.


old_bloke said...

Beefheart reference!

Mike C. said...


Well spotted! Actually far from my favourite Beeheart album -- that would be "Clear Spot".


Kent Wiley said...

Interesting. Not necessarily photography, but something… visual. I had to zoom in to see if there were individual faces in each of those holes. Alas, not so.

Mike C. said...


Very much two photographs chosen at random. Future versions will probably show a higher degree of intention than this. I just enjoy the ordered chaos and the mix of colours and tones in these.
