Wednesday 5 July 2023

Dig It

It has been difficult for the last few weeks to concentrate during the day, as Southern Water (our local purveyor of leaky pipes and sewage dumps), has uncharacteristically decided to replace the entire water main running down our street, which has involved much digging, drilling, scraping, shouting, and general mechanised mayhem. The most impressive bit of machinery has been the "suction excavator", an incredible roaring behemoth the size of a dustbin lorry that literally sucks the earth and rubble out of the holes and trenches dug into the road and pavement. It's a beast, and as you can imagine, it is orders of magnitude louder (and doubtless a lot cheaper) than any team of men with spades, especially when operating just outside your front door.

I might have more to say about this when the dust has literally settled (including the exciting two-part quest for our elusive water meter) but for now I thought I'd just post these two recent revisions of items from a couple of project ideas I had a few years ago, the "poster bar book" and the "DIY cut out booklet". I think they're fun, and quite decorative, and I keep meaning to enter some for various open exhibitions (I've made quite a few since first coming up with the idea) but then I always lose my nerve, not least because they're too big to print on my own A3+ printer: the one at the top is ideally 50cm x 40cm; the one at the bottom 60cm square. Doubtless, as with the ill-fated "deconstructed packaging" idea, someone else has already done something similar, although I'd be surprised if they'd done it better. We'll see; maybe next time...

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