Thursday 21 March 2019

March Past

It's a crazy month, March. Anything can happen, weather-wise. Here are the most recent five:

 March 2015
(IKEA, Southampton)

March 2016
(The Mizmaze, Winchester) 

March 2017
(Twyford Down) 

March 2018
(Allotments in Bassett, Southampton) 

March 2019
(Southampton Water)


Thomas Rink said...

The wheelbarrow with St. George's cross, lying on its side - is this an allusion to the Brexit debate in the House of Commons? In German, we have a proverb "die Karre in den Dreck fahren". Literally it means "to drive the cart into the muck", we use it to express that somebody screwed something up, badly.

Best, Thomas

Mike C. said...


Heh... You can laugh, but I have to live here...

I'm wondering whether there are any parliamentary procedures for having your Prime Minister "sectioned" (i.e. forcibly detained under mental health legislation as a danger to herself and others).
