Monday 10 September 2018


Guardians: Bordeaux & Amsterdam

I came across this pair back in 2010, when visiting the Musée d'Aquitaine in Bordeaux. I'm not sure who or what they are, but it's clearly an angel either restraining some warrior type, or possibly checking the sharpness of his blade (stop giggling at the back, there).

The original is a mighty sandstone block, but I like them rendered as this tarnished bronze brooch or medallion. Beneath their watchful presence lies a rickety canal frontage from Amsterdam. Why? Who knows, but it works for me.

1 comment:

Kent Wiley said...’s everywhere around here, it’s so bad I swear I can hear the mold growing. And now it’s in your composites too! It must come from the internet. Nowhere to run. They’re everywhere. We’re doomed!