The Golden Wasp Game #7
I've not posted about this before, but back in February I decided to submit two of my "wasp" photo-composite images to the Royal Academy Summer Open Exhibition. I'd been feeling the need for some relatively objective endorsement of this road I've been taking away from "photographer" to "artist", and in a rash moment thought: Why not go for the Big One? Today, after a three-stage judgement process, I heard that both were accepted into this year's show.
Obviously, I'm very pleased. I know the RA Summer Show has a mixed reputation, but as a showcase for work it really can't be bettered. Unless, of course, my little A3-sized works end up being hung halfway up a wall above some enormous and garish David Hockney canvas. The validation is the main thing, of course, but I'm hoping for a few sales, too, although that will truly be icing on the cake. I've declared them both to be in an edition of 50, and will be asking a very modest £75 for an unframed, signed and numbered print. I took the advice from One Who Knows that people visiting the show and looking for a takeaway are more likely to go for small, attractively-priced prints, than a wall-sized canvas in the price-bracket of a new car.
The Golden Wasp Game #3
The competition...
(See you on Varnishing Day!)
Well alright. The pricing seems low, and those are signed too. Well, years from now some lucky will get curious, seek an appraisal and be pleasantly surprised.
Thanks, Omer. In marketing terms, it's what they call a "loss leader"...
Congratulations, Mike, very well deserved! I've been toying with entering this year's Taylor Wessing portrait competition in the knowledge that I won't get past the first round, but with the idea that I don't know until I try.
Thanks, Huw. In general, I have avoided competitions -- I've never got anywhere in the few I've entered before, and if your self-confidence can't afford the inevitable bruising, then it's generally a very negative experience, and one to be avoided! However... If you have some work that you just *know* is as good as anything else out there, then go for it.
In truth, I feel that my photography is good, but nothing exceptional. My collage work is at a different level, though (I think), and I was prepared to take a serious punt on it, which has paid off. Going through three rounds of judging since February has not been entirely pleasant, however, and I was totally prepared to crash and burn at the last round today, and never mention the subject again...
But if your ego can take a kicking, why not? Good luck!
Well, my congratulations, Mike!
Best, Thomas
Thanks, Thomas, the reality of it has not really sunk in yet... Mainly feeling relief at not feeling disappointed today...
OK, one of us nips into the show and snaps up the first half dozen or so of each, and then we pop him, right?
Snuffed out before he could reach his potential, only a few finished pieces ever made available, etcetera. We'll be rich!
(Congratulations and well deserved, I like the wasps)
Heh... It's certainly a plan, but I think I'd rather go into hiding and create previously undiscovered caches of work... I like the idea of faking my own work!
Movie concept: Vermeer is an immortal vampire. Both Henricus van Meergeren and Tim Jenison actually were Vermeer
Ha! Of course! So obvious, once pointed out...
I'd cast Viggo Mortensen.
I doubt my work is as good as anything out there, but I have one photo that stands a chance. So I look forward to the rejection already (surely a badge of honour for any true artist!).
Exactly! "BA (Calcutta) failed", as my Dad used to say.
Whoa! Many congratulations indeed. Haven't been along to the summer exhibition for years, but will clearly have to go this year ...
Thanks, Martyn -- I've never been, as I'd heard it was all a bit MOR, but ... clearly I was wrong!
Congratulations Mike - that's great news.
So, do we have to attend the show to buy one ?
No, I don't think the ethics of editioning mean that the prints are exclusive to the RA show, and TBH I'd be amazed if I sold more than a couple of each there, if that. I may wait until the show is underway before allocating prints (you know, just in *case* all 50 sell out instantly!!) but if you or anyone were to contact me privately and reserve a print beforehand I can guarantee you'll get one for the same price plus P&P (PayPal works fine).
Nicely done, sir. Don't personally know squat about the show, but it's always nice to be wanted.
Hi Kent, thanks, and welcome back, seems like a long time since you last showed up, but I never like to enquire too closely after commenters who fall silent...
No excuses, really. I've been in and out of the Hat over the past few months, but not had anything to say for myself. My own personal obsessions, some medical diversions (new eyes being a wonderful thing for a photographer!), some travel, have all kept me occupied elsewhere. (All excuses, I realize.) More later.
No excuses needed -- the door is open, people come and go as they please!
New EYES?! Eek...
Sure, I like to drop that one. It gets people's attention. The actuality is much less dramatic: cataract removal + lens replacement. In both eyes. But to me it feels like new eyes, since I can see w/o glasses again.
Still very much "eek", I think...
Naw, no big whoop. I had a great woman surgeon who has done thousands of these things. I was in the OR for probably ten minutes for each eye, one week apart. The first eye I felt a bit of pressure, the second I don't remember anything until I was back in the prep room, and the third eye- Oh wait, what am I saying? I took care of that YEARS ago!
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