The weather has been one of my favourite kinds this week -- bright spring sunshine scoured by a deep-chilled northerly wind. This has so far made for a series of "lucky lunchtimes" with the camera. Sometime soon I'll need to think about putting some kind of order onto the images from the last year or so, but for now I'm still in the happy hunter-gatherer phase, filling the sack with anything that comes to hand.
I've been looking at the Nazca lines lately and your first and third pictures made me think of them. They could easily be post-industrial landscapes photographed from very high in the atmosphere, see what I mean?
Why, thanks for that, Struan (and I will quote you when we go looking for new curtains this coming weekend, though I doubt it will make any difference to the outcome...).
I've been looking at the Nazca lines lately and your first and third pictures made me think of them. They could easily be post-industrial landscapes photographed from very high in the atmosphere, see what I mean?
Love your photography!
Thank you, Maggie, and yes, I do know what you mean. You might enjoy this post by Struan Gray on his blog:
Mike, you have impeccable taste :-)
I really like all the recent squares, but the first one here is special.
Why, thanks for that, Struan (and I will quote you when we go looking for new curtains this coming weekend, though I doubt it will make any difference to the outcome...).
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