Wednesday 27 June 2018

Deep In The Greenwood

"Why, swive me sidesaddle if thou sayest not sooth, Robin!" exclaimed Marian, "And, look yonder, there be yet another! What in the name of Austin Morris can they be?"


Thomas Rink said...

Love the car tyres! And - did you consider adding a Green Man somewhere?


Seriously: I like this piece!

Best, Thomas

DM said...

New challenges for the electric car charging infrastructure.

amolitor said...

My quick research suggests that you make have invented "swive me sidesaddle" which I love and will absolutely be ripping off with no hint of credit. Well done sir!

Mike C. said...


Sorry to be late in publishing you comments -- I keep forgetting to check the "awaiting moderation" folder, now I'm not getting email notification of comments...


Yes, I thought they were a nice touch... Found them in our local sports centre, part of an outdoors fitness setup. This picture does have something, though, doesn't it? I'm seeing Ucello / Breughel colours.


I suspect these have arrived by some power more magical than electrickery...


'Tis true, I did do a quick google and was gratified to discover I have achieved (yet another) first in the web corpus...
